Immigration to Ukraine by investment

Immigration to Ukraine


  • Where to apply for an immigration permit
  • What documents are needed
  • Terms of consideration and features of submission of documents



Immigration refers to the arrival in Ukraine of foreigners or stateless persons for permanent residence.

To immigrate to Ukraine, you must obtain an immigration permit. It is of two types:

  • within the quota set by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for a calendar year by category of immigrants (a list of categories of immigrants and supporting documents is given in the table below);
  • out of quota (list of persons is given in the table below (The quota is valid without limiting the number of persons to investors)

What documents are needed


In order to obtain an immigration permit, you must submit the following documents together with the application form (sample form):

  • Three 3.5 x 4.5 cm photo cards.
  • A copy of the identity document.
  • Residence document.
  • Family information, copy of marriage certificate (if married).
  • Document that you are not ill with chronic alcoholism, substance abuse, addiction or infectious diseases, the list of which is determined by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
  • Receipt on payment of a state fee or consular fee, if for the actions related to the granting of immigration permit, the law provides for a fee or a document confirming the availability of payment privileges.
  • Persons resident outside Ukraine submit a certificate of no criminal record.

Persons who have made a foreign investment in the Ukrainian economy the amount of investment (equivalent) not less than $ 100,000 (one hundred thousand) US dollars:

  • copies of the charter and / or registered investment activity contracts (contracts)
  • certificate of the bank on the receipt of foreign investments into the economy of Ukraine in foreign currency in the amount of not less than $ 100,000 (one hundred thousand) US dollars

Investments –


are all kinds of property and intellectual values that are invested in objects of entrepreneurial and other activities that result in profit (income) and / or social and environmental impact.

Such values ​​can be:


  • funds, trusted bank deposits, units, stocks and other securities (except promissory notes);
  • movable and immovable property (buildings, structures, equipment and other tangible assets);
  • property rights of intellectual property;
  • a set of technical, technological, commercial and other knowledge, designed in the form of technical documentation, skills and production experience, necessary for the organization of a particular type of production, but not patented (“know-how”);
  • land, water, resources, buildings, facilities, equipment, and other property rights;
  • other values.
  • Investments aimed at the creation (acquisition), reconstruction, technical re-equipment of fixed assets, the expected useful life of which exceeds one year, are made in the form of capital investments.

Investment protection


Investment protection is a set of organizational, technical and legal measures aimed at creating conditions that contribute to the preservation of investments, the achievement of the goal of making investments, the effective operation of objects of investment and reinvestment, the protection of legal rights and interests of investors, including the right to profit (income) from investments.

The state guarantees the protection of investments irrespective of ownership, as well as foreign investments. Investment protection is ensured by the legislation of Ukraine and international treaties of Ukraine. Investors, including foreign ones, are provided with an equal treatment, which excludes the application of discriminatory measures that could interfere with the management of investments, their use and liquidation, as well as the conditions and procedure of export of invested values ​​and results of investments.

In order to ensure a favorable and stable investment regime, the state establishes state guarantees for investment protection.

State guarantees for the protection of investments are a system of legal norms that are aimed at the protection of investments and do not relate to the issues of financial and economic activity of participants in investment activities and their payment of taxes, fees (mandatory payments). State guarantees for the protection of investments cannot be canceled or reduced in respect of investments made during the period of these guarantees.

Investments cannot be nationalized, requisitioned for free, or are not subject to similar measures. Such measures may be applied only on the basis of legislative acts of Ukraine with compensation to the investor in full amount of losses caused in connection with the termination of investment activity. The procedure for compensation of losses to the investor shall be specified in the said acts.

Targeted bank deposits, stocks and other securities, payments for property acquired or leased in case of withdrawal in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, paid or acquired by investors, are compensated to investors, except for amounts that were used or lost as a result of the actions of the investors themselves or committed by the investors themselves. their participation.

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