Marketing research

Marketing research

UIP Ukraine – performs independent activities to provide up-to-date marketing information.

We comply with the quality standards carried out for TGI, and significantly improved our workflows and adapted tools for modern Ukrainian realities.

Research UiP become one of the most powerful modern tools for analyzing markets and consumers in Ukraine.

UiP Ukraine offers a quick way to check the situation on the market.

For each product category, we have small ready-made reports that contain only the necessary marketing information.

Each report consists of a standard data set, which is specified in the description of each report. We can also provide data in a tabular form or as a database in a special software shell.


The mission of our company is to provide high-quality and up-to-date marketing information about Ukrainian consumers for solving a wide range of marketing tasks.


Term of delivery of the finished report Market Trends with the analysis of the data for Ukraine as a whole for one period – 24 hours from the moment of reception of 100% of payment.

The time to prepare a report can increase if you order data analysis by region, and also specify several periods for analysis.

Usually the time for preparing such a report does not exceed 3 working days after receiving 100% payment.

Terms of reporting Brand Trends, Profile Trends Short and Profile Trends Solid are from 3 to 5 days, depending on the volume of ordered data.

Report form

The order is delivered by e-mail in the form of a presentation with graphs and comments, or in the form of spreadsheets with data.

You can choose the format for providing data at the time of placing your order.

If you need a report or tables in hard copy, please inform the manager at the time of placing your order. The completion of the finished report depends on the type of report you selected.

How to order the service:

Choose the market sector you are interested in ⇒2. Select report type ⇒ 3. Specify the required parameters and add the report to the basket ⇒ 4. Select the payment type and confirm the order.
After confirming the order, our managers will contact you within several hours to agree on payment details and data delivery.

You can place an order for any number of reports for any product categories.

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